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Ajouté le 1 July 2017
Jean-Sébastien Mariage : electric guitar
Heddy Boubaker : electric bass
Mathias Pontevia : horizontal drum
"We improvise the music excessively"
Jean-Sébastien, Heddy and Mathias have been playing together for a very long time, but this is the first time as a trio. After a rehearsal residency followed by several concerts, they still didn’t speak about the music they play together. _What can we say? It could be free rock but it’s not ... You might think it sounds like musics we already know but it isn’t.
By force of trapping and doing the opposite of what they want to play, of deconstructing permanently, even in extreme situations, to maintain a material, they arrive at what they seek: a limpid and obvious articulation. This result could  (...)

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