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Jean-Sébastien Mariage : electric guitar

First step of a study on the fuzz.
Recorded May 3, 2019 in Paris.
This solo is presented as a crossing of Gehenna.

Guei Hinnom is a narrow and deep valley located to the south and southwest of Jerusalem.
This valley has long been associated with idolatrous cults, one of which includes the practice of ritual infanticide in the fire. Converted into a garbage dump whose pestilence emanates from leagues to the round, Gehenna acquires in the subsequent Jewish literature, both apocalyptic and rabbinical and Christian, a metaphorical dimension, becoming a place of terrible suffering, then of abode after death for sinners. It was also reputed to be the place of confinement for lepers and plague victims. However, whereas it is only a place of passage, even the denomination of a process of purification of the souls in the Jewish thought, it is confused, under the influence of the Greek thought, with Hell in Christian thought, then Muslim.

Extract played at Babilo (Paris) - September 22, 2019 :

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