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Richard Comte / Jean-Sébastien Mariage

Ajouté le 9 March 2018
A guitarist, a guitar, a cable, an amplifier, all in two copies. No effects pedals or other filters here, yet so dear to this instrument. Here is the equipment of this duo, as a double, or as a meta-guitar, whose we do not differentiate one but the whole.
The music results from an imitation ceaselessly put in defeat, eliminating the possibility of the intention, the legibility of the gesture, and even the conscious will of musicality.
The timbres, the attacks, the resonances ... mingle, forming a vertigo which forces to concentrate elsewhere, to forget to decrypt, and imposes the letting go.
Strokes, dots, lines, areas ... as only tools.
The expression of an individual identity, usual spring of improvisation, is here absent,  (...)

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