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Who’s enjoying this Zoo ? MUD

Inversus Doxa IDMM004

1 Who’s enjoying this Zoo ?
2 Brilliant misfortune
3 There’s no hell
4 Small at the end
5 The drag
6 Vol
7 Morning song

Frederick Galiay - Lead Vocals & Bass
Gaël Cordaro - Guitars & Vocals
Synthezisers, AKS Synthi, Percussions & devices by MUD
Recorded, mixed and produced by MUD, Inversus Doxa & Mutatis Mutandis
Mastered by Benjamin Weber - Translab Mastering Studio (Paris)
Cover by Dorothy Shoes©

Music composed by MUD except "Small at the end" by Frederick Galiay and "Morning song" by Gaël Cordaro.
All lyrics by Frederick Galiay

The Drag :


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